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Results 1151 to 1175 of 3314 total
18 décembre 2015
- Docteur Philippe Guilpain Vascularites à ANCA - Hind Letaif <link file:9354 le téléchargement>Le syndrome de Raynaud - Marlène Aubailly <link file:9355 le téléchargement>Manifestations pulmonaires e
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19 février 2016
- DOCTEUr ALTWEGG Romain : <link file:9578 download le téléchargement>MICI et rhumatismes - MOLY Marie: <link file:9602 download le téléchargement>Tendinopathies achiléennes - REMPENAULT Claire : <lin
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4 mars 2016
- Paulina SZAFORS <link file:9904 download le téléchargement>Infiltrations rachidiennes - Guillaume DECARRIERE <link file:9874 download le téléchargement>Manifestations ophtalmologiques dans les rhuma
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4 novembre 2016
<link file:12613 download le téléchargement>Maladie de Still de l'adulte. Paulina SZAFORS
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12 mai 2016
<link file:12611 download le téléchargement>Sarcoïdose et rhumatologie Aurélie BELTAI
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16 décembre 2016
<link file:12526 download le téléchargement>Claire REMPENAULT : Fièvre Q
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22 septembre 2016
<link file:11465 le téléchargement>Gottenberg et al. Association of Rheumatoid Factor and Anti-Citrullinated Protein Antibody Positivity With Better Effectiveness of Abatacept: Results From the Pan-Eu
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29 septembre 2016
<link file:11521 download le téléchargement>Takeuchi et al. Effect of denosumab on Japanese patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a dose-response study of AMG 162 ( Denosumab ) in patients with Rheumato
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4 septembre 2015
- Professeur Vincent LE MOING <link file:9357 download le téléchargement>Spondylodiscites - Céline VIDAL <link file:9356 download le téléchargement>Rhumatisme et VIH - Amandine TUBERY Prise en charge
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20 novembre 2015
- Professeur Michel CHAMMAS Syndromes canalaires - Sarah Marouen <link file:9349 download le téléchargement> Rhumatismes et grossesse - Gisèle Khoury <link file:9353 download le téléchargement> Attein
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15 décembre 2016
<link file:12609 download le téléchargement>Fukuda W, et al., Incidence of hepatitis B virus reactivation in patientswith resolved infection on immunosuppressivetherapy for rheumatic disease: a multic
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19 janvier 2017
<link file:12607 download le téléchargement>Jones et al. Five-year efficacy and safety of Tocilizumab monotherapy in patients with rheumatoid arthritis who were Methotrexate - and Biologic- naive or F
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15 septembre 2016
<link file:11371 download le téléchargement>D'Agostino et al. Novel algorithms for the pragmatic use of ultrasound in the management of patients with rheumatoid arthritis: from diagnosis to remission.
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10 novembre 2016
<link file:12614 download le téléchargement>Dougados et al. Baricitinib in patients with inadequate response or intolerance to conventional synthetic DMARDs: results from the RA-BUILD study. Ann Rheum
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22 décembre 2016
<link file:12610 download le téléchargement>Zen et al. The effect of different durations of remission on damage accrual: results from a prospective monocentric cohort of Caucasian patients. Ann Rheum
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4 août 2016
<link file:11070 le téléchargement>Poiley J et al. A Randomized, Double-Blind, Active- and Placebo-Controlled Efficacy and Safety Study of Arhalofenate for Reducing Flare in Patients With Gout. Arthri
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26 mai 2016
<link file:10348 le téléchargement>Moreau et al. Oral Ixazomib , Lenalidomide , and Dexamethasone for Multiple Myeloma . N Engl J Med. 2016 Apr 28;374(17):1621-34 <link file:10361 download le téléchar
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19 mai 2016
<link file:10341 journal of>Liozon et al. <link file:10341 journal of>Risk Factors for Permanent Visual Loss in Biopsy-proven Giant Cell Arteritis: A Study of 339 Patients. J Rheumatol. 2016 May 1 <li
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2 juin 2016
<link file:10553 le téléchargement>Dudli et al. Propionibacterium acnes infected intervertabral discs cause vertebral bone marrow lesions cobnsistent with Modic changes. J Orthop Res Apr 21 <link file
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8 septembre 2016
<link file:11305 download le téléchargement>Mease et al. Ixekizumab, an interleukin-17A specific monoclonal antibody, for the treatment of biologic-naive patients with active psoriatic arthritis: resu
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28 juillet 2016
<link file:11072 download le téléchargement>Devauchelle-Pensec et al. Efficacy of first-line tocilizumab therapy in early polymyalgia rheumatica: a prospective longitudinal study. Ann Rheum Dis. 2016
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16 juin 2016
<link file:11071 download le téléchargement>Schmidt et al. Incidence of Severe Infections and Infection-Related Mortality During the Course of Giant Cell Arteritis: A Multicenter, Prospective, Double-
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7 avril 2016
<link file:9994 download le téléchargement>Targeting ultrasound remission in early rheumatoid arthritis: the results of the TaSER study, a randomised clinical trial. Dale et al. Ann Rheum Dis. 2016 Ma
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25 août 2016
<link file:11470 download le téléchargement>Retamozo et al. Cryoglobulinaemic vasculitis at diagnosis predicts mortality in primary Sjögren syndrome: analysis of 515patients. Rheumatology (Oxford). 20
13/11/2024 12:17
17 mars 2016
<link file:9800 le téléchargement> Randomization to plant-based dietary approaches leads to larger short-term improvements in Dietary Inflammatory Index scores and macronutrient intake compared with d
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