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Results 501 to 525 of 3299 total
Your comfort
Discover here all the services made available by the CHU to make your stay as pleasant as possible. Rooms With the exception of a few services for which renovation is planned, the 1 or 2-bed rooms ben
22/03/2024 11:06
"Bionic" platform
Manager: Abderrahmane KHEDDAR The bionics platform supports research and development at the interface between robotics, in particular humanoid robotics and biomimetics, and musculoskeletal rehabilitat
22/03/2024 11:06
Automatic MRI image segmentation of the knee
Development of an analysis tool to study knee morphology and biomechanics in vivo The knee is a complex joint that plays a crucial role in the mobility and functionality of the lower limb. Understandi
22/03/2024 11:06
"Tissue engineering" platform
Responsable scientifique : Danièle Noël et Emeline Perrier-Groult Ingénieur : Christopher Y. Leon-Valdivieso Ce plateau comprend un laboratoire d’analyse des biomatériaux/construits imprimés en 3D et
22/03/2024 11:06
CARTIGEN is a research and innovation platform of the University Hospital of Montpellier and the University. CARTIGEN specializes in motion modeling and 3D printing to better understand osteoarticular
22/03/2024 11:06
"Mobility" platform
Scientific directors: Isabelle Laffont , Marc Julia Engineers: Gilles Dusfour , Gauthier Desmyttere This platform specializes in movement rehabilitation and musculoskeletal tissue imaging. Devices ava
22/03/2024 11:06
Etudes terminées
Automatic MRI image segmentation of the knee
22/03/2024 11:06
Eric Name : Eric Age : 48 Date : 5/06/2012 Testimonial What motivated you to participate in a clinical research? Advancing technology that will live my disease better in the coming years and especiall
22/03/2024 11:06
In case of death in hospital
Whether before a possible hospitalization, or during it, it is possible for you to make your wishes known about your end of life and to have them respected. The implementation of advance directives by
22/03/2024 11:06
Your intimacy
Your privacy is a right. You can thus refuse the participation of young doctors in visits and examinations that concern you. The training of health professionals and your privacy The teaching of futur
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Safety of goods and people
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Hospital Labs & Platforms
Institute for Regenerative Medicine and Biotherapy IRMB gathers scientist and medical expertise on regenerative medicine and innovative immunotherapies. Hospital laboratories Laboratory of Biochemistr
22/03/2024 11:06
Prepare your visit
In order to create your administrative file, you or a member of your family must go to the Invoicing Reception Service (entrance office), which is located on each site of the University Hospital. Befo
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Patients and Visitors
Welcome to the Montpellier University Hospital website! These pages will allow you to prepare your arrival at the CHU and to be informed about the organization of our establishment during your stay. A
22/03/2024 11:06
Institute for Regenerative Medicine and Biotherapy IRMB gathers scientist and medical expertise on regenerative medicine and innovative immunotherapies. IRMB gathers scientist and medical expertise on
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Your arrival
Is your hospitalization planned? Read this section to prepare for your visit: access to the CHU, entry formalities, reception in the service. Prepare your visit In order to create your administrative
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Institute for Regenerative Medicine and Biotherapy IRMB gathers scientist and medical expertise on regenerative medicine and innovative immunotherapies. Organization The INSERM U1183 includes 4 teams
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Contacts & IRMB phone directory
Institute for Regenerative Medicine and Biotherapy IRMB gathers scientist and medical expertise on regenerative medicine and innovative immunotherapies. Administrative informations Administrative addr
22/03/2024 11:06
care offer
Doctors Departments
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Relatives and family
Relatives and families of the patient are welcome at the Montpellier University Hospital, for the well-being of the patient. The decisions they may be called upon to take part in their medical care (t
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About the hospital
This section is devoted to everything you need to know about the organization of the Montpellier CHU outside of care. In this section History Missions Access map Parking nearby Public transport
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Lieu historique d'exercice de la médecine, avec la plus vieille faculté du monde occidental toujours en activité, Montpellier a toujours été profondément marquée par l'histoire de ses hôpitaux. 1000 a
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3 essential missions : care, teaching and research The fundamental missions of the University Hospital Center of Montpellier are care, teaching and research , but also prevention, health education and
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Choose the end of your life
Whether before a possible hospitalization, or during it, it is possible for you to make your wishes known about your end of life and to have them respected. The implementation of advance directives by
22/03/2024 11:06
Forced psychiatric care
Hospitalization without the patient's consent can be done at the request of a third party or a government official.
22/03/2024 11:06